Saturday, December 20, 2008

Rules of Dinning Out

Rules of Dinning Out:

1. If you can afford to go out to eat... But you can't afford to tip... hey.. guess what.. you can't afford to go out to eat.

2. This is 2007 people. 10% is not acceptable anymore... standard tipping for GOOD service is between 18 and 20%...

3. Now, I understand that 10% is good enough for God... That's fine.. but this isn't church.. and you're not tithing.

4. PS- ordering a well done steak... which everyone in the south does... will constitute a longer ticket time. You will be okay. If you wanted fast food, you should have gone through a friggin drive-thru... (Squirrelly note: If you order a filet well done, I will hand you a slim jim and eat the 30 dollar steak myself. Thanks)

5. It's really not necessary to snap at me or wave your hand in the air like you're having a spasm or get up and follow me. I saw you, I acknowledged you, you saw me... hold on and sit the down. I am coming.

6. When I take the time to be courteous and introduce myself... please don't be a rude jerk and cut me off... manners, please.

7. I follow a strict rule that you should never reward bad service with a good tip... however, you should also never punish excellent service with a crappy tip because you're a cheap jerk.

8. Please don't take it out on me because you have had a bad day.. I'm here to make it better. relax.

9. When I deliver your food and ask if there is anything else.. you can tell me... I asked didn't I? Don't get all bent out of shape because I'm not psychic and cannot read your mind.. how the hell am I supposed to know you needed A1?

10. I know sometimes you can't help it, but do you really have to ask for something every single time I walk past the table? I mean really. Jessica Simpson is not even that high-maintenance.

11. Hi. Look around you. You are one of probably twenty people I am waiting on.. Did you happen to notice that? So if you have to wait for a minute.. Be patient.. I promise I will take care of you..

12. Treating a server like a piece of crap and the scum of the earth because we are serving you is the quickest way to get the worst service you ever thought possible.. We are people too and you are no better than me... I don't give a crap what you do.

13. Just think about it like this. Your tip left on the table is how I pay my bills. I am making $2.13 an hour.. So no. I don't get a paycheck. After taxes and claiming tips I'm lucky if I even see one. Remember that next time you decide to be cheap.

14. Last but certainly not least... Don't assume that my job is easier than yours and I am some dumb idiot who can't get a better job. The restaurant business is a fast paced environment with a high stress level. And you don't even see all the things we do behind the scene. So have some respect. I don't come to your office and treat you like crap for sitting on your ass all day do I?? No. I don't.

Repost if you are a server or know a server! or just repost to support servers!

Thanks for reading

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