Saturday, December 20, 2008

This is MyEssence...Whats yours??

MyEssence...A year ago or so i created this word for myself, mainly as a name for my myspace and facebook and other stuff like that. But as time has passed i've started to realize that it represents alot more than just that. MyEssence represents a fundamental principle that everyone should apply to their own lives.

MyEssence means exactly what it says, My-Essence, its the essence of you, of who you are, its whatever you want it to be. But its you. Not MTV or BET or VH1 or the style channel or magazines or anything else like that. Just you. And too many times we try to define ourselves by the things we watch, the clothes we wear, the music we listen to, things we say, or the way we act so that people will think we're "cool." But thats the worst thing we can possibly do. Because everyone in the world is special, and has something about them that makes them amazing. And when we choose to be someone else just to impress or please others, we're covering up the best part of ourselves, the part that everyone needs to see.

It shouldnt be our goal to be like the "cool" people, to act like they do, talk like they do, dress like they do, even think like they do. Our goal should be to be ourselves, to show the world how we really are and let them know that even though we may different then them, we're still pretty freaking awesome. Because if everyone tried to conform to be the same in order to be "cool," then the world would be a pretty boring place. Thats why God gave us our individuality, He gave everyone their own unique qualities. But the media tries to make us think that our uniqueness is not unique at all, its uncool, lame, retarded, old, stupid; they make us feel bad about ourrself so we'll do whatever we can to be more like them. And most of the time their trying to sell you something that you honestly dont need. But the problem is we buy it, everything. We believe them when they tell us we need to change to be "cool," we have to be more like them. So we throw away our perfectly amazing personalities and buy everything they sell us in the desperate hope to be "cool," to be liked, loved, accepted, noticed, wanted. But we really need to know that we dont need to do that. That we are perfectly fine the way we are, and that God did nto make us retarded or stupid, we are fearfully and wonderfully made. And we can be loved, noticed, wanted, accepted just the way we are. And anyone that tells us otherwise is not someone we should want to be noticed by anyways. In fact, we should feel sorry for those who feel like they have to be these embodiment of all that is "cool" in order to be loved, because they are obviously very insecure about themselves that they feel that just being themselves isnt enough. Well im here to tell you, IT IS ENOUGH! And especially with this whole cool thing, thats just a word that they created to real people in to become their little robots. Cool can be anything. Everyone is cool in their own way. No one is the same but everyone can still be cool inspite of that. And that is the best part.

So next time you find yourself being tempted to conform to someone else or something else that is supposedly "cool" Just stop and say to yourself. "Forget that! I'm already cool, and if you dont think so, then i dont care. THIS IS MYESSENCE, GO GET YOUR OWN!!!"


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Thanks for reading

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