Sunday, April 13, 2008

When Friends Make Bad Decisions

Sometimes you have a friend(s) that you care about, but when you look at their lives and the decisions that they make on a daily basis, it looks like they don’t know how to use the brain that God gave them. And sometimes you want to say something to them and give them advice, but your just not in a place to do that. And that just frustrates you because (depending on how old they are and where they are in life) they may be destroying their lives, and are completely blinded to this fact.

But you see it loud and clear and you just want to explain to them, what is so obvious to you, but to them it seems like just an annoyance. And the fact that you care about them causes this to sadden you, but at the same time anger and frustrate you. You feel that they just need a huge wake up call in their lives, to realize what a huge mistake they’re making. But it seems as though there’s nothing you can do.

So in situations like these the one thing you can do is pray for them. Pray as hard and long as you possibly can, that they will receive some kind of revelation from God that will allow them somehow to realize the huge mistake that they're making. In the meantime, however, all you can do is just watch and sit by while you wait to see what will happen next.

Now if they are already a Christian as well as you, then you should attempt to lead them back to God because that is the root of any problem of this nature. And if they aren’t a Christian and you are then like I already said. Prayer! Long, intense, consistent, never-failing prayers. And if it looks like it’s not making a difference but its getting worse, then pray even harder. And, like they say, there is strength in numbers, so tell your friends and family to pray for this person (although it's not necessary to go into details about the situation). Because no matter who you are and what your problem is God will answer you prayers (as long as its a prayer that should be answered).

So whenever you see a friend going down that wrong road and there’s nothing you can do to immediately help them, just pray. You can never go wrong with prayer.

Thanks for reading

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