Saturday, December 20, 2008


Ok, the only reason I'm writting this is because i know im not the only girl who feels this way. And who knows maybe there are some guys who feel this way too.

Well, as for me, i know that i am a hopeless romantic. Im always getting crushes on guys. Most of them are never serious enough for me to actually do anything about it, but still. But part of being little crushes is they are usually mumerous. And they end for one reason or another. And it is just soo frustrating sometimes. Like after you like someone, and then it ends your like, "What on earth did i see in him?" And sometimes it just gets soo frustrating.

And so as a result, sometimes we think, "You know forget boys im just going to be perfectly content with being single. Im not going to crush on any guys. Im not gonna think about them all the time, its just going to be me, my girls, and God." But then..dun dun dun comes a boy who is so cute or nice or funny or whatever you like about him. And against your inistincts you start liking him. And what would make it worse is if he acted like he likes you too. (Notice i sed "acted" which implies not neccesarily he does) And then you spend the next few days, weeks, months, however long it is, just thinking about him, day-dreaming and what-not. But then BAMS! something happens and now all of a sudden, you dont like him anymore. Maybe he did something or you did something, and your mad at him or your embarrassed or something like that, and now, lskjdflas, the crush is no more. And your left feeling disapointed and frustrated at the fact that you fell for antother guy, and just like all the rest, it went sour like 20 warheads shoved in your mouth at once. Yah i know. And know you think to yourself, "UGH! Why the heck did i do that, i knew this was going to happen"

And then you re-dedicate that your going to be content with being single and what-not. But in the back of your head your thinking, "Yeah right" And then you just go on with your life waiting for you to do it all over again.

Now i know some of you may have a little different scenario or feel differently. But still if some of you read this and are just thinking, "Mmmmh, i know thats right" "Amen sister" "You said it" "I KNOW!" just feel free to comment and say that. Cause i'll feel a little better about posting this if i know im not the only one who goes through this kinda stuff. lol

Thanks for reading

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