Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Seeing God through the Clouds!

We have all seen these hidden beauties that hang in the sky watching over us all with their grand magnificence, somehow eluding their well-deserved recognition. These wondrous entities I am referring to are clouds. However, clouds are much more then that; clouds remind us of our great and glorious God. Clouds, being one of the most unique and diverse creations of nature, can be an extremely effective means of revealing God’s diversity, sovereignty, and glory.

First and foremost, clouds, just like God, are nothing if not diverse. Year-round we witness nature transforming the basic cloud types into an unending show of shapes and colors. This in and of itself reflects God’s diversity, for the creator of these unique and original clouds, we know, must be capable of so much more. But not only are clouds diverse and unique, but also extremely vast, stretching across the entire sky.

Clouds are extraordinary examples of God’s sovereignty. They cover the skies around the world all at once, resembling God’s omnipresence. Also clouds help us predict coming weather changes, just as God prepares our hearts for upcoming storms by placing various signs throughout our lives. Being a continual reminder of God’s sovereignty, clouds give us an even greater sense of wonder at the glory of our God.

God’s glory surpasses all understanding, and though incomparable, clouds are still an excellent representation of God’s greatness. Some clouds are awe-inspiring entities, brilliantly embodying God’s glory. And others are massive, overwhelming entities that overcome us with a sense of God’s greatness. But it is the times when they leave you speechless that we know we are witnessing a true representation of God’s awesome glory.

Being one of the most unique and diverse creations of nature, clouds can be an extremely effective means of revealing God’s diversity, sovereignty, and glory. We can clearly see how similar clouds are to God and how greatly they represent many of His characteristics. And now having this new found understanding, I hope we can also have a new found appreciation for those hidden beauties that hang in the sky, waiting to be recognized for all that they are.

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