Friday, June 25, 2010

True Love Waits (for the ladies!)

~BarlowGirl - Average Girl~
So what I'm not your average girl
I don't meet the standards of this world
Chasing after boys is not my thing
See I'm waiting for a wedding ring

No more dating
I'm just waiting
Like sleeping beauty
My prince will come for me
No more dating
I'm just waiting
'Cause God is writing my love story

Boys are bad that's certainly not true
'Cause God's preparing one for you
If you get tired waiting till he comes
Gods arms are the perfect place to run

Sleep that's the only thing
For me 'cause when I sleep God's
Preparing one for me


This is seriously like the theme song of my life! ;)

Throughout my life, I have struggled in this area soooo much. I have always been so needy and desperate to find "The One," "My Prince Charming," or even just someone who will like me and make me feel special (how pathetic is that!?!) I just wanted to feel special, so i was willing to accept any guy (just about) who would just pay attention to me or act like he was interested in me even the slightest bit. But i never actually told the guys that i liked them, although i never really had to because i was pretty much the worst EVER at hiding my crushes. And all of them just ended up being emotion roller coasters because none of the guys (whether they pretended to or not) actually liked me, so i was pretty much in a hopeless situation no matter what. But for years and years, crushes after crushes, after crushes, after crushes!!!! I would put myself through the mental and emotional stress of having crushes on guys that couldn't care less about me just because i wanted even the illusion that someone cared for me like that.

But i would say probably around my junior year of high school, i started a slow..very slow realization of my worth and my worth to God. Over the years God has been teaching me many lessons (whether i actually learned them immediately or not) about my worth and how precious i am. And I just want to share some of these truths with all of you girls out there who deal with these kind of self-esteem issues too, because i know you all do to some degree, whether you admit it or not!

1st Truth - You are more precious than gold! - God says you are all perfectly and wonderfully made! That means no matter how much you weigh, no matter how tall or short you are, no matter how nice of hair you have, how clear of a complexion you have, no matter what clothes you wear, no matter how well you do you make-up, no matter how other people (or even you) think of how you are absolutely GORGEOUS in God's eyes!!!! And you need to hear that and receive it..truly receive it! Let it sink in. Go to a mirror if you have to, close your eyes pray for a few seconds and ask God to let him see yourself as He sees you and open your eyes and see what a radiant, beautiful creature of God you are.

2nd Truth - God's opinion is the ONLY one that matters!!! - I just got through telling you what God thinks of you, and now that you've received that and accepted it. You need to take all the things people say and think about you. That means girls you walk by in the hall that snicker and gossip when you walk by because your wearing last years sandals, the girls that may talk about non-flat your stomach is in the locker room and how they need to introduce you to mr. anorexia diet, or the guys that treat you like dirt because your not cool, pretty, or nearly slutty enough for them to give a second thought (or a first one for that matter), the boyfriend that doesn't quite treat you right but you over look that because hey at least he's willing to date you right??, or that parent that calls you ugly because they have a drinking or drug problem or maybe they are just have their own set of issues their projecting on you. All those people, all those thoughts, all those LIES, come from the pit of hell and their Satan's attempt to try and attack you, to bring you down, and steal away the beauty and the joy that God created you to radiate as a reflection of him. Let God's opinion of you overcome your entire perspective, kicks all those thoughts to the curb!!!

3rd Truth - YOUR man, THE man, the RIGHT man is out there waiting for you, don't waste your time with a bunch of losers - God is preparing for you right now, the perfect man for you, your prince charming, someone to sweep you off your feet, your mr. wright, "the one", however you want to look at it. God had him picked out for you at the beginning of time and he is the only one God ever intended you to be with emotional and especially physically in the context of a romantic relationship. And so all these guys that are "good guys", that "aren't that bad", that are so perfect except for these several imperfections, they are all nothing. Do you know what they are??? They are Satan's attempt to get you to settle for less than God's best. He is trying to steal away all those pieces of your heart that God had planned to be the glorious gift you would one day give to your future husband, and he wants to tear it to pieces. He wants to bring guy after guy into your life to take your heart and destroy it, kick it, punch it, maybe give it the chair a couple times. He wants to take that perfect, innocent, pure, clean heart and turn it into a beat up, bruised, scared, dirty, cold, hard, corrupted old piece of trash that no one would ever want. But God doesn't want that to happen to any of you! But even if it has, it doesn't matter, because the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses our hearts and makes us new again.

But if there was anything you need to remember from this is that your divinely appointed future husband is out there, and he is waiting for you with an incomparable anticipation; God created you for perfection, don't sell yourselves short, you are worth sooo much more than that. True love waits, so wait for him..he's waiting for you! =)

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